I noticed it while walking around my garden. It was so tiny that I needed to stand very close to see it. And so, I did.
Perfect round shape that symbolizes the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Universe. The round sphere formed on this rose by the rain represents the infinite, wholeness, cyclic movement of the Universe, eternity. Circle has been used as a divine sign in many cultures throughout human history. And I felt fascinated to notice that one of the most fundamental details of our world, like a drop of water, has a perfectly round shape. Divine beauty symbolizes the harmony essential in the life cycle of everyone and everything in the Universe.

Elena Sullivan
Hi, there! I’m Elena Sullivan, a fine art photographer, and creative adventurer. My first joyful experimentation with a camera extended into a passionate relationship where harmony represents a constant flow of elegant devotion. I follow my intuition and curiosity in search of eternal connections in nature, then use my camera to reveal it and share it with you! Every of my photo is curated with love and artistic excellence.